“Joey VS Frauds” by Joanne Bard is a gripping and heart-wrenching account of one woman’s relentless battle against online fraudsters. This compelling narrative delves into the dark world of internet scams, where predators prey on the vulnerable, manipulating their emotions and finances. Joanne Bard, a 68-year-old cancer survivor, courageously shares her personal journey of being defrauded by cunning schemers who posed as romantic interests. Through her vivid storytelling, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of betrayal, loss, and the fight for justice. Bard’s experience highlights the devastating impact of identity theft and romance fraud, shedding light on the psychological and financial toll it takes on victims. This book is not just a memoir but a call to action, urging readers to be vigilant and protect themselves from similar fates. “ Joey VS Frauds” is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of online fraud and the resilience required to overcome it. Download a free sample today and join Joanne Bard in her mission to expose the truth and reclaim her life.